ドイツでのシンポジウム主催者 ステファンさんより御礼のメッセージを頂きました
10月22日、23日にニールフェンで行われたドイツでの「SPIRIT NATURE HEALING(霊魂、自然、癒し)シンポジウム」主催者のステファンさんより、とらこ先生へ以下のメッセージを頂きました。

エヴァ・マリア & スティーブン
Dear Torako,
Thank you for being in Germany and thank you for presenting your work and your impressing life project to us and to the audience. It was a great honor to all of us. As well thanks to all your staff for the support and effort to make this visit happen. As well thanks to the group joining you on your trip and having been as well at our symposium. As well thank you personally, it was a great pleasure to meet you and it was a great pleasure to share some time with each other. It was very interesting to speak and to discuss with you and to get a more detailed view. We really enjoyed it and we will always remember. Eva-Maria and myself are looking forward to meet you again.
Our warmest regards
Eva-Maria and Stefan