

●It was a wonderful experience. The informations from Zen homoeopathic treatment was excellent. We came to know that homoeopathy can create miracles, when we were watching the video clippings of the patient paralysed in a car accident. Moreoveryou people are very humble and we have a lot to learn from you. The scope of Homoeopahy has reached to unexpectedly. Highe level, eventhough other lines of treatments are jumping up. It's our geat privilage to see and know about Dr Torako Yui is an indescribable person who exteded the scope of homoeopathy in Japan.

● Dear Doctor. I am very happy to inform you that - the way in case taking which was prescribed by you - it's good one; "Natural fermentization" - the video showned by you. Good and Informative one. I would like to inform you that totally your presentation & the way in case in totally your clinically result !! "Excellent.

● Dear Doctor. - Very happy to see your enthusiams. - Such enhusiasm in itself very helpful in helping most of the diseases and sorrow of life. - Your prescription is somehow coveoring all the parts of your patient body.
親愛なる由井博士。‐ 貴女の熱意をみて大変嬉しかったです‐ その様な熱意そのものが、殆どの疾患や人生の悲しみを救うのに大変役立ちます。‐ 貴女の処方は、患者の全部分をカバーしています。

● It was really an enlightening session for this. The most important aspect was that a single person has toothe the initiative to start a new system of medicine. Dr Torako Yui inspired me a lot. Her innovation in farming is really amazing. Thorough there is much difficult in the method of practice of homoeopathy between the 2 countries, it is happy to know that homoeopathy is gaining popular in Japan.

● It's something new that I have learned about development of But wanted to know the about Zen homoepathy? If it is possible to give the potency and explanation cycle. hanks but sheeing the novel idea. All the best for sheening athe novel idea. All the best for you attempts, Best wishes, from Indian Homoeopathic Medica Association (IHMA).

● Case prevention & video graphic's evident of results show a using homoeopathic medicine is appreciable. In cares, many meedicinal mixtures are used. In India, especially in Kerala, we homoeopaths use single medicine in line with principles laid down by Dr Hahnemann.
ホメオパシーレメディーを使った予防ケースとケース結果を示す映像や図の証拠は明らかです。 ケアにおいて、多くの薬物のミックスが使用されています。インドでは、特にケララでは、ホメオパス達は、多くの薬物使用が評価されている事を示しています。インド、特にケララでは、私達ホメオパスは、Drハーネマンによっての原理に則したシングルレメディーを使っています。

● The presentation by Dr Torako Yui is heart touching and inspirational. Historic healing through diet, counselling and spiritual enlightnment is really appreliable. Multiple remedies concept is new to us as we strictly follow single remedy and single dose prescriptions (272 - 274 of Organon). We need much insight in your posology methoods. Thank you so much for wonderful session.
Dr 由井寅子による発表は、心に触れ、感動的インスピレーションを与えるものでした。食事療法、カウンセリング、伝統的ヒーリングは、本当に鑑賞されるべきものです。私達は、厳しくシングルレメディー単一投与に従う(オルガノン 272? - 274)様に厳しく教えられましたので、多数投与の概念は、新しいものでした。貴女の薬量学メソッドにおける貴女の洞察が必要です。素晴らしいセッションをありがとうございました。

● Zen homoeopathy is a innovative concept and practice in homoeopathy. Dr Torako Yui Sensei elaboruted very well the case and her concept of agriculture which is very much related to medicine and health. I, Dr Swapnil (Asvind Kamble) am from Nagpur, a district from state of Maharashra. My mentor, Dr Bhausahed - Zite also uses concepts like you in agriculture to enhance organic farming. Looking forward to our friendship is collaborative studies with our Japanese friend.
Zenホメオパシーは、ホメオパシーにおいて革新的な概念と実践法です。Dr由井寅子は、症例へのメソッドと医学や健康に大変関連する農業に対する彼女の概念を大変苦心して作り上げました。私、Dr Swapnil(Asvind Kamble)は、マハーラシュトラ州のナグプール出身です。私のメントル(指導者)、Dr Bhausahed - Ziteも、貴女のように、有機農業を高める農業において、貴女の様な概念を使っています。私達の友情が、日本の方々と共同的研究となります事を楽しみにしています。

● It was such a soothing experience. Dr Yui is doing such a wonderful service to mainland. The most touching experiences are her utmost humanite was approache to their utmost humanities since approach by such a soothing approach. I feel Zen homoeopahy & its philosophy will make great inroads in Japan.


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